Training Curvy Canteen Chair

Curvy Canteen Chair

A proper chair keeps up with the times – and now more than ever it is a time that calls for a dynamic chair, a chair that lends itself perfectly to every space and occasion. Curvy can be that chair. Boasting its slender steel wire frame, it exudes an elegant and transparent character in every room. And that’s not all, Curvy is also a very practical chair. Stackable, easy to link and, as it comes in a number of varieties, widely applicable too. Whatever purpose it must serve, Curvy makes perfect sense… anywhere
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It's Curvy's curves that give the chair it's optimistic radiance. It's slim rod steel frame with no visible fixtures lends it to a slenderness. That is how halls full of chairs retain it's transparency. Furthermore Curvy is linkable with a unique numbering system, quickly stacked to 45 chairs high and can accommodate up to 30 stone in weigh
  • Made from 100% recycled pasctic househiold waste
  • Comes in a range of colours
  • Stackable up to 45 chairs
  • Writing tablets option
  • Transport dolly option

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